Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Well, it keeps snowing and snowing and snowing!  I know I'm in Minne-snow-tah but I'm kinda sick of it already.  I'm really antsy about working in the yard!  I have an addition to my pond to install this spring and I got a greenhouse for Christmas that I'm dying to put up already!  I may start my own seeds in there and possibly grow and flower garden in the backyard.  I would really love to grow a vegetable garden however something has always managed to eat up everything, especially squash blossoms!  Since it is still winter, I'm forced to work on inside stuff like home improvement, redoing old dressers like these,

sewing new curtains,

and painting the walls.  It keeps me busy and helps me fulfill the urge to create!  I started knitting again and I will likely take up wool processing and spinning again as well.  OH but wait!!  I have my craft room to work on!  Now that we gutted it and tore out the built in bunk beds there is room in there, we need to paint and cover some of the walls with paneling, etc.  So, until I can get outside, I will be working inside.